CLI referenceΒΆ

usage: os-inject-fault [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-d] [-v] [command]

positional arguments:
  command               fault injection command, e.g. "restart keystone

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path to os-faults cloud connection config
  -d, --debug
  -v, --verify          verify connection to the cloud

Built-in drivers:
  tcpcloud - TCPCloud management driver
  ipmi - IPMI power management driver
  node_list - Reads hosts from configuration file
  libvirt - Libvirt power management driver
  fuel - Fuel 9.x cloud management driver
  devstack - DevStack management driver

*Service-oriented* commands perform specified action against service on
all, on one random node or on the node specified by FQDN:

  <action> <service> service [on (random|one|single|<fqdn> node[s])]

    action is one of:
      freeze - Pause service execution
      kill - Terminate Service abruptly on all nodes or on particular subset
      plug - Plug Service into network on all nodes or on particular subset
      restart - Restart Service on all nodes or on particular subset
      start - Start Service on all nodes or on particular subset
      terminate - Terminate Service gracefully on all nodes or on particular subset
      unfreeze - Resume service execution
      unplug - Unplug Service out of network on all nodes or on particular subset
    service is one of supported by driver:
      tcpcloud: cinder-api, cinder-backup, cinder-scheduler, cinder-volume,
                elasticsearch, glance-api, glance-registry,
                grafana-server, heat-api, heat-engine, horizon,
                influxdb, keystone, kibana, memcached, mysql, nagios3,
                neutron-dhcp-agent, neutron-l3-agent,
                neutron-metadata-agent, neutron-openvswitch-agent,
                neutron-server, nova-api, nova-cert, nova-compute,
                nova-conductor, nova-consoleauth, nova-novncproxy,
                nova-scheduler, rabbitmq
      fuel: cinder-api, cinder-backup, cinder-scheduler, cinder-volume,
            glance-api, glance-glare, glance-registry, heat-api,
            heat-engine, horizon, ironic-api, ironic-conductor,
            keystone, memcached, mysql, neutron-dhcp-agent,
            neutron-l3-agent, neutron-metadata-agent,
            neutron-openvswitch-agent, neutron-server, nova-api,
            nova-cert, nova-compute, nova-conductor, nova-consoleauth,
            nova-novncproxy, nova-scheduler, rabbitmq, swift-account,
            swift-account-auditor, swift-account-reaper,
            swift-account-replicator, swift-container,
            swift-container-auditor, swift-container-replicator,
            swift-container-sync, swift-container-updater,
            swift-object, swift-object-auditor,
            swift-object-replicator, swift-object-updater, swift-proxy
      devstack: glance-api, ironic-api, ironic-conductor, keystone, mysql, nova-api,
                nova-compute, nova-scheduler, rabbitmq

    * "Restart Keystone service" - restarts Keystone service on all nodes.
    * "kill nova-api service on one node" - restarts Nova API on one
      randomly-picked node.

*Node-oriented* commands perform specified action on node specified by FQDN
or set of service's nodes:

  <action> [random|one|single|<fqdn>] node[s] [with <service> service]

    action is one of:
      connect - Connect nodes to <network_name> network
      disconnect - Disconnect nodes from <network_name> network
      oom - Fill all node's RAM
      poweroff - Power off all nodes abruptly
      poweron - Power on all nodes abruptly
      reboot - Reboot all nodes gracefully
      reset - Reset (cold restart) all nodes
      shutdown - Shutdown all nodes gracefully
    service is one of supported by driver:
      tcpcloud: cinder-api, cinder-backup, cinder-scheduler, cinder-volume,
                elasticsearch, glance-api, glance-registry,
                grafana-server, heat-api, heat-engine, horizon,
                influxdb, keystone, kibana, memcached, mysql, nagios3,
                neutron-dhcp-agent, neutron-l3-agent,
                neutron-metadata-agent, neutron-openvswitch-agent,
                neutron-server, nova-api, nova-cert, nova-compute,
                nova-conductor, nova-consoleauth, nova-novncproxy,
                nova-scheduler, rabbitmq
      fuel: cinder-api, cinder-backup, cinder-scheduler, cinder-volume,
            glance-api, glance-glare, glance-registry, heat-api,
            heat-engine, horizon, ironic-api, ironic-conductor,
            keystone, memcached, mysql, neutron-dhcp-agent,
            neutron-l3-agent, neutron-metadata-agent,
            neutron-openvswitch-agent, neutron-server, nova-api,
            nova-cert, nova-compute, nova-conductor, nova-consoleauth,
            nova-novncproxy, nova-scheduler, rabbitmq, swift-account,
            swift-account-auditor, swift-account-reaper,
            swift-account-replicator, swift-container,
            swift-container-auditor, swift-container-replicator,
            swift-container-sync, swift-container-updater,
            swift-object, swift-object-auditor,
            swift-object-replicator, swift-object-updater, swift-proxy
      devstack: glance-api, ironic-api, ironic-conductor, keystone, mysql, nova-api,
                nova-compute, nova-scheduler, rabbitmq

    * "Reboot one node with mysql" - reboots one random node with MySQL.
    * "Reset node-2.domain.tld node" - reset node node-2.domain.tld.

*Network-oriented* commands are subset of node-oriented and perform network
management operation on selected nodes:

  [connect|disconnect] <network> network on [random|one|single|<fqdn>] node[s]
    [with <service> service]

    network is one of supported by driver:
      fuel: management, private, public, storage
      devstack: all-in-one
    service is one of supported by driver:
      tcpcloud: cinder-api, cinder-backup, cinder-scheduler, cinder-volume,
                elasticsearch, glance-api, glance-registry,
                grafana-server, heat-api, heat-engine, horizon,
                influxdb, keystone, kibana, memcached, mysql, nagios3,
                neutron-dhcp-agent, neutron-l3-agent,
                neutron-metadata-agent, neutron-openvswitch-agent,
                neutron-server, nova-api, nova-cert, nova-compute,
                nova-conductor, nova-consoleauth, nova-novncproxy,
                nova-scheduler, rabbitmq
      fuel: cinder-api, cinder-backup, cinder-scheduler, cinder-volume,
            glance-api, glance-glare, glance-registry, heat-api,
            heat-engine, horizon, ironic-api, ironic-conductor,
            keystone, memcached, mysql, neutron-dhcp-agent,
            neutron-l3-agent, neutron-metadata-agent,
            neutron-openvswitch-agent, neutron-server, nova-api,
            nova-cert, nova-compute, nova-conductor, nova-consoleauth,
            nova-novncproxy, nova-scheduler, rabbitmq, swift-account,
            swift-account-auditor, swift-account-reaper,
            swift-account-replicator, swift-container,
            swift-container-auditor, swift-container-replicator,
            swift-container-sync, swift-container-updater,
            swift-object, swift-object-auditor,
            swift-object-replicator, swift-object-updater, swift-proxy
      devstack: glance-api, ironic-api, ironic-conductor, keystone, mysql, nova-api,
                nova-compute, nova-scheduler, rabbitmq

    * "Disconnect management network on nodes with rabbitmq service" - shuts
      down management network interface on all nodes where rabbitmq runs.
    * "Connect storage network on node-1.domain.tld node" - enables storage
      network interface on node-1.domain.tld.

For more details please refer to docs: